White Rose Rail Station Engagement Results
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White Rose Rail Station Engagement Results

By White Rose Park March 2019
Image credit: West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Last week, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority published its report regarding the first stage of the ‘Your Voice’ engagement for the proposed White Rose Rail Station. The report includes all comments received by members of the public during the engagement period (2 July – 3 August 2018).

The proposed White Rose Rail Station would be located next to White Rose Office Park, with the aims and objectives of the station including improving pedestrian accessibility in the area, connecting people to jobs, education and training opportunities and connecting shoppers and employees to the White Rose shopping centre.

Key Findings

Across the engagement period, 767 members of the public responded to the online survey, with 71% of respondents happy with the proposal for the White Rose station.

The majority of comments from respondents expressed an interest and satisfaction with the proposal at this time, with many citing its potential to reduce traffic congestion as a positive outcome.

Next Phase

The next phase in the case of the development of the White Rose station will be to submit an outline business case to the Combined Authority for approval during summer 2019. Subject to the approval of the business case submission, more information will become available regarding the next stage of public consultation.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to engage with the first phase of public consultation regarding the White Rose Rail Station, and we will be taking everything into consideration where possible.

For more information regarding the engagement results, download the full report here.

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